Get to know the origin of some of the most exclusive coffee in the world


It all began in 1911 when Toleff Bache Mönniche, a Norwegian engineer and graduate of the Royal College of Dresden, Germany, traveled to the Highlands of Chiriquí. He sailed along the Pacific coast for 7 days and rode uphill for hours to reach a place that is still unique in the world today: Lérida Coffee Farm. A magical space amidst the immense slopes of Volcán Barú and the high ridges of the Central Mountain Range.

In 1924, engineer Mönniche finally retired from his work on the construction of the Panama Canal and, together with his wife Julia, moved to Lérida Coffee Farm. Here, he hand-built his house in a Norwegian rural style, where The Casa Centenaria, remains a part of the Finca Lérida Boutique Hotel and is available to stay in today.

Here, he designed and patented the “siphon”, a device that is currently used throughout the world and continues to be used in the mill he built with his own hands. Thus, Finca Lérida became the first Panamanian specialty coffee plantation for export.


We are a team of 40 collaborators, mostly locals, who work tirelessly to deliver the highest quality. Our true potential is reflected in the professionalism of each team member and their daily dedication. From the culinary department to activities such as birdwatching, we take pride in warmly welcoming our guests from the very moment they arrive.


We roast our coffee beans according to the specific variety. Our range includes medium, light, and very light roasts, with the latter catering to markets that have discerning tastes and seek to enjoy the full attributes of high-quality coffee.

Our Processes:
Washed: The cherries are depulped, separating the pulp from the beans, followed by thorough washing and fermentation before drying.

Honey: The first skin is removed, and the remaining honey is utilized to impart these flavors during the drying process. This method enhances sweetness and honey-like qualities in the coffee.

Natural: Drying is done with the cherry’s entire skin intact to capture its fruity and sweet flavors. The resulting coffee beverage is notably distinct. This type of coffee has gained popularity in Asian markets, as it utilizes the flavor of the cherry skin in the cup.


More Special Moments to Collect

Let yourself be carried away by our program, and enjoy the events we have in store for you here at Finca Lérida throughout the year.


In our special coffee tasting, you will have the opportunity to sample some of its varieties and learn to distinguish between different flavor profiles. We will also provide you with tips for brewing a great cup of coffee, covering topics such as water temperature, brewing time, roast level, grind size, and various brewing methods including drip coffee, French press, pour-over, and boiling.

After this tasting, no cup of coffee will ever taste the same again!



Our café exudes the special aroma of coffee tradition and conveys its culture through decorations and souvenirs. In addition, you will find our team of professionals, always providing friendly and diligent service.

Savor the taste of good coffee and homemade cuisine by making sure to take some back with you. Share our delights with friends and family, or simply enjoy them all to yourself.


Our primary focus in coffee cultivation revolves around specialty varieties, with Geisha being our most prominent export. Additionally, we cultivate other varieties such as Pacamara, Catuai, and Typica, among others. At present, we are actively introducing and cultivating new coffee varieties in the upper section of our farm.